Monday, August 25, 2008

Done (well sorta)

I've at last poured my liquid plastic into my mold, and which i lacked my Plaster of Paris because it broke off while trying to take it off the mold.` I had to tape it to a cardboard box to retain its shape while casting. Casting went well, i did get some plastic on my arm, porch, HAIR, and fingers, yet thankfully most of it got in my mold. after about 7 layers of sloshing it around waiting for it to dry, I finished all i had. then 20 minutes later i peeled the mold off my now dry casting to reveal my intricately detailed Recon helmet! Now all i have to do is cut out the visor area, add one way visor, paint the whole helmet white, then paint it red again, then sand it (before painting), add padding, and then im basically finished. now just the finishing touches. i made a video of what it looks like, but i cant find my camera connecting cord for the computer. ill try to find it so i can show the very people that even look at my blog how it is like.